This is a little on how i play a game called "Valorant" on a daily basis,

Ep7 Act1 Valorant rank reset.

So this is how it all went down

DAY 1, GOLD 3???
On day 1 i played my 5 placements, since i didn't play for a while i played rather bad still managed to win the 3 last placements because of my teammates, i got placed in GOLD 3 ! I could believe it... My peak on the alst episode act 3 was DIAMOND 2! thats the top 7 % of all the player base. and now i was in gold 3, thankfully gold is a easy rank and i got out of it in 2 games because i destroyed the enemys and my KD averaged over 2!. i got up to mid plat 1 then got off for the day.
DAY 2, Back to Plat2!!! Today i got on and played with my friend aKaTrin, or just Trin, We won 6 games in a row!! not much to say about this day it was easy since platinum is a mid rank just have some confidence and boom you will be out in no time, i ended the day 2 on mid plat 2.
DAY 3, The 3 q Loss today was pretty bad :(, I went up to platinum 3, 14 rank rating, but ended up losing 4 darn games! we played as a trio, it was me Trin and my other friend Musty that itroduced Trin to me, it was a sad experience, we lost because of our bad teammates i average over 1.5 kd in most of my games in these three days going 67% win rate and 17/8 W/L ratio so far so good ! hope i can get back up to diamond :D.

This right here is a video for Noobies, if you want to get to know what kind of game it is and how it works, of course this was 2 years ago and the difference is big, but it's still the same concept of game.

This right here is the ranking system that was updated after about 2 years into the game bcause of the big differents of skill between diamond and immortal, which is why "ascendant" was added.

personally i haven't gotten to ascendant just yet, but i do play agaisnt them, since there is a new act episode everyone ranks we're reset and we have to get back now. and most of the ascendants we're placed in platinum diamonds in gold so on and so forth, basically deranking 2 ranks big ranks. I ranked in gold 3, and got to platinum 3 then deranked back to platinum 2, maybe i'll get ascendant during the summer :), that concludes my little story about the game i hate and love at the same time!